May all beings everywhere be happy & free, and may the thoughts & actions of my own life contribute to that happiness & to that freedom for all.

I grew up with a father who was an artist that inspired me to always help others + create beautiful things.

Being creative makes me feel happy & truly alive. Throughout the years I tried lots of different artistic paths. When my first (Hippie) Baby Kai was born, I felt like my internal creative energies aligned and my true calling was born - My new direction was block printing!

My son was my original Hippie Baby inspiration & motivation. With the love & support of my family & friends, hippie baby co was born in 2015. It was an on-off journey in the beginning, until 2020 when I decided to dedicate it all to have our little shop grow and flourish.

Each of my designs is born out of love to spread the love. My goal is to promote positive thinking through art around the world.

About the artist.

Mom to Hippie Babies Kai & Lua, Artist, Yogi and Free Spirit.

Nature is my inspiration and my everything. My art is a physical expression of my inner soul and true self. I wish to show the world that being creative is the best way to be. I hope to inspire others to live an earthy, happy, and mindful lifestyle.

❤ Always following my dreams….

I believe that we have the power within us to align ourselves more and more with our core purpose, and when we do so, amazing things come into our lives!

This is how "Hippie Baby Co" was created ❤ it is really a journey, not a destination…

We are so Grateful for all your Love & Support along our journey - we wouldn’t be here without you!