Olga Cher Olga Cher

Spring is in the air!

"Behold, my friends, spring has come; the earth has gladly received the embraces of the sun, and we shall soon see the results of their love."

The earth starts to wake up after the long winter, the greens start to go and flowers to blossom. This is the season of renewal, rebirth, and opportunity. Spending time outside, you can feel this fresh energy, and it feels so good!

According to some traditions and ayurveda, spring is prime time for a cleanse. a cleanse for the body, mind, and even our environment. reflecting over our lifestyle and eliminating the no longer necessary. Gather a community of like-minded friends and go out to public parks, beaches, and forests to clean out trash. This kind of cleanse benefits all living beings.

Spring is also a time for celebration! Easter, Passover, Earth Day, and Mother’s Day to name a few. Celebrate each with intention and appreciation for this beautiful season.

Spring is the season to think deeply about our mother earth. As we continue to take, mother earth losing the ability to give. We must show Earth the love she has so selflessly shown us. IF we all make small changes, we can make a big difference.

While I believe that every day should be earth day, lets use the Spring season, and the celebration of Earth Day to come back to our devotion to the planet.

Nature is my inspiration and my everything. My art is a physical expression of my inner soul and true self. I hope to inspire others to live an earthy, happy, and mindful lifestyle.

Most of my designs carry elements from nature, and my goal is to promote green living from a young age.

This spring season, get your little ones involved, teach them about mother earth, plant some trees, go out for a park cleanse together. Enjoy this beautiful season to the fullest by giving back.

Happy Spring!

peace & Love,


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